Your dog should not sit in a locked kennel, alone, and without that social bond he/she is accustomed to. Our overnight services ensure your dog is in a comfortable, loving environment, at all times. And with care-takers your dog knows, trusts, and whom they are comfortable with. Our overnight care is designed like our daycare, from the perspective of the pack. Our staff stays overnight with the dogs. Some of them sleep on our beds with us, some on beds around us, and some choose to sleep in open crates or bedding on the playroom floor. It's all about the dogs' comfort.
*Holiday Reservation Policy*
To secure your reservation for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's boarding we require payment due upon reservation confirmation.
Once the payment is processed, your reservation is set.
If you need to cancel your reservation, we do not issue refunds however, we allow for the funds to be used as store credit for our retail store or any other service we provide. Provided those funds are used within one year of original payment.
If you do not cancel within 48 hours of your scheduled reservation no refund or store credit will be granted.